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供应MP-10RM 上磁微型磁力泵

品牌: 上磁
产品型号: MP-10RN
单价: 185.00元/个
起订: 1 个
供货总量: 9998 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-03-28 07:25
浏览次数: 862
类型:微型磁力泵 品牌:上磁 型号:MP-10RN
材质:工程塑料 原理叶片泵 用途:杂质泵
适用范围:化工,医药,食品 流量:0.168(m3/h) 扬程:1(m)
吸入口径:30(mm) 排出口径:28(mm)

化学工业 碳酸钠化工业(盐酸、次氟酸、二次化学品的生产);氟化物、化学肥料的生产;气体吸收塔反应液体循环;油脂提炼(硫酸);废酸类的回收及再生系统;化工厂和运输车辆间的强酸类输送。
药剂业 半导体用的发光化学物(EL)、农药、医药、水处理化学剂的生产
电镀业 循环过滤各类电镀液。
照片业 即现照相系统;X-光片、黑白、彩色、立体照片的冲晒。
电器用具业 电解质电容器的生产(铝膜的浸蚀);干电池和蓄电池制造过程中输送电解液;
金属工业 氧化铝膜处理设备;线材拉伸、钢铁轧制中除油及酸洗;
矿业 金属熔炼(输送及循环电解液);废液的洗涤处理。
食品工业 葡萄糖酸的生产(盐酸);食油的提炼(硫酸);罐装水果工业(盐酸)。
医疗 人造肾脏、心肺、超声波清洗机及各种医疗设备。
水处理 清洗离子交换树脂;纯水生产设备;海水淡化设备。
污染控制 添加污水处理化学药剂到药液缸;收集及输送废液;
其它 应用在银回收、晶片制造、实验工厂、制冷机、饮品机、生活锅炉、热交换器、太阳能系统、漂染、激光系统等领域及喷水池、鱼池、观赏鱼缸循环使用。

气动隔膜泵是一种新型输送机械,采用压缩空气为动力源,对于各种腐蚀性液体,带颗粒的液体,高粘度、易挥发、易燃、剧毒的液体,均能予以抽光吸尽,目前已形成系列化生产,产品质量深受好评。 这种泵的主要特点是不需灌引水,既能抽送流动的液体,又能输送一些是易流动的介质,吸程高、扬程可调(0-50米)气源压力只须大于1kg/cm2即能工作,绝对防火防爆,具有潜水泵自吸泵、杂质泵、屏蔽泵泥浆泵的一切功能和输送机械的许多特点。主要材质有:QBY铸铁气动隔膜泵,QBY铸铁四氟气动隔膜泵,QBY铝合金气动隔膜泵,QBY铝合金四氟气动隔膜泵,QBY不锈钢气动隔膜泵,QBY不锈钢四氟气动隔膜泵,QBY衬胶气动隔膜泵,QBY泵体衬胶气动隔膜泵等。可供不同的工况完成相对于的输送任务。







Chemical industry (hydrochloric acid, sodium fluorine chemical acid and secondary chemicals production), The production of fluoride and chemical fertilizers, Gas absorber reaction liquid circulation, Grease extraction (sulfuric acid); Reclamation and regeneration system of, Between chemical plants and vehicles of acid.
Elixir of semiconductor industry with chemicals (EL), pesticides, medicine, water treatment chemicals production
Electroplating industry circulation-filtering various plating solution.
Photo industry is now photomechanical system, X-ray, black and white and color, three-dimensional photos of sun.
Appliances industry production of aluminum electrolytic capacitors (film); the erosion Dry and batteries manufacturing process of conveying electrolyte,
PCB etching, Semiconductor manufacturing process of conveying of high purity chemical liquid.
me-tal processing equipment industrial alumina membrane, Wire drawing, steel rolling and pickling,
In the production of oil and pickling process, Titanium oxide and rare earth elements of production, etc.
Mining me-tal melting (transportation and circulation of electrolyte), Washing of liquid waste.
The food industry glucose sour production (hydrochloric acid), Extraction of edible oil (sulfuric acid); Canned fruit industry (hydrochloric acid).
Medical artificial kidney, lung, ultrasonic cleaning machines and various medical equipment.
Water cleaning ion exchange resin, Pure water production equipment, Seawater desalination equipment.
Pollution control add sewage treatment chemicals to liquor cylinder, Collect and transfer liquid,
Gas absorption equipment (deodorization device, discharge waste gas desulfurization) before.
Other applications in silver recycling, wafer manufacturing, experiment, refrigerator, beverage machine factory, boiler, heat exchangers, solar system, bleaching, dyeing and laser systems and ornamental fish pond, fountain, recycling.

Pneumatic diaphragm pump is a new kind of mechanical transmission, using compressed air for power supply, for various corrosive liquid, bring the liquid particles, high viscosity and volatile, flammable liquids, poisonous, all can be smoked light absorption, has formed a series production, product quality deeply. This pump is the main characteristics of water, need not fill the liquid flow can pump, and some are easy to transport flow media, suction head high, adjustable (0-50 meters) air pressure is greater than just 1kg/cm2, absolute can work with fire and explosion, submersible pumps, pump, pump, impurity, mud pump all functions and mechanical transmission of many characteristics. Main material: QBY iron pneumatic diaphragm pumps, QBY iron four fluorine pneumatic diaphragm pumps, QBY aluminum alloy, pneumatic diaphragm pumps QBY four fluorine pneumatic diaphragm pumps, QBY pneumatic diaphragm pumps, QBY stainless steel four fluorine pneumatic diaphragm pumps, QBY rubber lining pneumatic diaphragm pumps, pump body QBY rubber lining pneumatic diaphragm pumps, etc. For different conditions of relative to complete tasks.

Magnetic-driving pumps (hereinafter referred to as magnetic pump), is used in modern magnetics principles, the principle of magnetic couplings will work for the new product, the centrifugal pump with static seal instead of magnetic pump seal of pump, moving in to seal completely solved, and other pumps mechanical seal cannot avoid running of the ills. Magnetic pump selection corrosion resistance, high strength steel engineering plastic, ceramic, stainless steel as jade materials, so it has good corrosion resistance and can make is medium from pollution.

Magnetic pump compact structure, small volume, beautiful appearance, low noise, reliable operation, convenient usage and maintenance. Can be widely used in petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, national defense, electroplating, scientific research institutions, me-tallurgy, dyestuff unit pumping acid, alkali, oil rarity liquid, venoms and volatile liquid, water, filter machine. Especially easy leakage, inflammable and explosive liquids pumping. selec the explosion-proof motors pump is more ideal equipment.

FB and FBZ series can transfer temperature is higher than 90 degrees Celsius (not straight association-like) or less than 105 degrees Celsius (with), including bearing brackets (or not) have small soft particles or fiber, corrosive or health requirements of liquid, FBZ series pump has self-priming performance. Two big series pumps are widely used in the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, sewage treatment, chemical plating, bleaching, dyeing and fine chemical industry etc

This series of pumps adopt ABS, PP (reinforced polypropylene), PVC, etc, the reasonable formula of plastic injection molding and processing, light weight, small size, cheap and easy to use, as well as good corrosion resistance, these advantages are all me-tal pump cannot. This pump is widely used to transport acid, alkali, salt corrosive liquid.

Magnetic-driving pumps (hereinafter referred to as magnetic pump), is used in modern magnetics principles, the principle of magnetic couplings will work for the new product, the centrifugal pump with static seal instead of magnetic pump seal of pump, moving in to seal completely solved, and other pumps mechanical seal cannot avoid running of the ills. Magnetic pump selection corrosion resistance, high strength steel engineering plastic, ceramic, stainless steel as jade materials, so it has good corrosion resistance and can make is medium from pollution.

Magnetic pump compact structure, small volume, beautiful appearance, low noise, reliable operation, convenient usage and maintenance. Can be widely used in petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, national defense, electroplating, scientific research institutions, me-tallurgy, dyestuff unit pumping acid, alkali, oil rarity liquid, venoms and volatile liquid, water, filter machine. Especially easy leakage, inflammable and explosive liquids pumping. selec the explosion-proof motors pump is more ideal equipment
Color film, photographs, X-ray film, merchant microfilm, film automatic flush. Drinks in vending machines.
Mucus attune of food additive, quantitative added. Electronic boards printing lines of etching, cleaning, printing plate.
The acid &alkali neutralization, water treatment agent of condensate. Plating solution of quantitative supplies.
Widely used in various additives, bleach injection drug quantitative.


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