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SGR5-20管道泵 550W SGR管道泵

品牌: 暂无
单价: 面议
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 1592 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 浙江 台州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-08-19 11:13
浏览次数: 1134
台州市新潮泵业有限公司是一家专业从事电机、水泵生产的企业,具有丰富的生产经验,管理基础扎实,产品质量可靠,以其特有的风格、新颖的造型、良好的售后服务,深受广大用户的青睐。产品有九大系列,百余种规格,广泛适用于农田灌溉、生活供水、城市用水、高层建筑供水、冷却用水、工矿企业用水、养殖业高效增氧等各方面。公司技术力量雄厚,检测、装配设备精良,并引进了具有先进水平的生产流水线装备,还配备了CAD电脑辅助设计系统。公司还拥有一批高素质的管理人员,使整个生产过程规范化、科学化。公司连续多次被评为“重合同、守信用”单位,并获得了全国工业产品生产许可证。面对新世纪,新潮公司正以齐全的规格、先进的技术、科学的管理、优良的品质、全方位的服务,积极开拓进取,不断创新。我们真诚地希望与各界同仁加强合作,共同发展,同时谒诚欢迎国内外新老客户前来洽谈业务,惠顾指导。Taizhou trendy Pump Co., Ltd. is a professional motor, pump manufacturing business, with rich production experience, a solid management infrastructure, product quality, its unique style, innovative design, good service, the majority of customers. Nine series products, hundreds of kinds of specifications, widely used in agricultural irrigation, domestic water supply, urban water, high-rise building water supply, cooling water, industrial and mining water, aquaculture and other aspects of high oxygen.Strong technical force, testing and assembly equipment well, and with the introduction of advanced production lines and equipment, also equipped with a CAD computer aided design system. The company also has a number of highly qualified management personnel, so that the whole production process, standardized and scientific. The company has repeatedly been named "the contract, the word" units, and obtained national industrial production permit.Facing the new century, the fashion company is to complete specifications, advanced technology, scientific management, excellent quality, comprehensive services, and actively forge ahead and innovate. We sincerely hope with all my colleagues to strengthen cooperation and common development, sincerely welcome new and old customers to negotiate business, throughout the guide.SGR5-20管道泵系单级单吸管道式离心泵,直接安装在管路上,对输送的介质进行加压,主要用于制冷、空调系统、冷却塔、园林喷泉、消防等供水系统。因其结构紧凑,既可单台或多台(按泵的工作压力)串联,亦可卧式或立式安装使用,供输送常温下的清水或物理化学性质类似清水的介质,若介质温度大于100摄氏度,请选用SGR型热水管道泵,若介质腐蚀性强,请选用GDF型耐腐蚀管道泵。The pump is a single-stage single-suction pipeline centrifugal pump, directly installed in the pipeline, the pressure on the transmission medium, mainly for refrigeration, air conditioning systems, cooling towers, garden fountains, fire and other water systems.Because of its compact structure, either single or multiple (at the pump working pressure) in series, can be horizontal or vertical installation, for the delivery of water at room temperature or physical and chemical properties similar to water in the medium, if the big media temperature at 100 degrees Celsius, please use the SGR-type hot water pipeline pump, if the corrosive media, please use the GDF-type corrosion-resistant pipeline pump.

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