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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-04-17  作者:zlpumps  浏览次数:554
核心提示:第二届泵阀行业荣格技术创新奖在沪揭晓 备受关注的"2013泵阀行业-荣格技术创新奖"的获奖后果近日盛大揭晓。经过去自行业协会、科

此次活动由荣格工业传媒及旗下《世界泵业-中国版》杂志联袂中国环博会(IE expo)共同举行,旨在经过惩处业界具有突出奉献的创新产品和抢先技术,激起企业创新认识,以进步消费力、经济效益;给用户提供更大便当;到达绿色环保、可继续开展的目的。荣格工业传媒总裁Mike Hay说:"我们希望将荣格技术创新奖打形成一个行业的交流平台,让整个行业共享创新产品或技术,从而推进中国泵阀行业的开展进程中起到积极作用,协助进步全行业技术程度,加强企业的竞争实力。这是荣格作为专业的行业媒体的责任与使命。"
在去年首届荣格泵阀创新奖大获成功的根底上,往年的创新奖有超越30家国际外优秀企业的创新产品参与竞争,历经四个多月的申报和评选,最终五大类别19个产品取得此次荣誉。荣格技术创新奖一直贯彻惩处技术产品创新的主旨,鼓舞更多企业投入技术创新,以进步消费力、经济效益,到达高效节能、绿色环保、可继续开展的目的。除了延续去年的奖项类别,往年的创新奖在"阀门和密封"这一类别下也惊喜看到了创新产品的呈现。来自上海大田阀门管道工程无限公司的自动再循环阀取得此类别的嘉奖。因受根底设备的兴修和重工业的开展所驱动,东亚市场将在 2017 年的泵业市场上占据 33% 的份额。而作为最吸引人的市场之一,中国将在将来几年中坚持10% 的年增长率,至 2015 年,在全球 400亿美元的泵业市场中占据21%的份额。此外,城市化进程中的中国市场正对污水处置和包括火力发电及石油和自然气在内的动力产业提出宏大需求。由此可见,中国的泵阀市场将迎来一个继续开展的上扬态势。
评选流程的完全"公道、公正、通明"使荣格技术创新奖遭到业界的普遍关注和认可,也是其与国际的其他行业评奖的真正区别所在。荣格工业传媒总裁Mike Hay先生强调说:"无论在任何奖项中,最关键的要素在于奖项必需真实。我们的评委团由独立的行业资深专家组成,没有任何企业可以从我们这里或是从评委中买到荣格技术创新奖。只要凭仗产品或技术的优势,确定产品能否契合创新规范,才干最终取得这一荣誉。"

Ringier Innovation Awards - Pumps Valves Industry
-2013 Winners Announced
World Pumps China - China's leading pumps industry magazine, published by Ringier Trade Media Ltd. has announced the winners of the 2013 Ringier Technology Innovation Awards for the Pumps and Valves Industry. Held at IE expo 2013, 19 winning companies featured their 19 innovative products and technologies across 5 categories: Centrifugal Pumps, Positive Displacement Pumps, Jet Pumps, Valves Seals, Ancillary Products and Other Product Types.
The Grand Awards ceremony was held at IE expo 2013 on May 14, 2013. More than 100 high-level delegates from the winning companies, such as Xylem China, Shanghai Liancheng, PCM, KSB Shanghai, and Seepex Pumps, participated together with the Awards judges, IE expo exhibitors, Ringier magazine readers and industry media. Winners received awards for their innovative products and technologies which drive development in China's pumps and valves industry.
The 2013 Ringier Technology Innovation Awards for the Pumps and Valves Industry is co-organized by Ringier Trade Media and its magazine World Pumps China together with MMI-ZM Trade Fairs (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and its trade show - IE expo 2012. This is the second time that the Ringier Technology Innovation Awards were awarded to companies in the pumps and valves industry. Since 2006, Innovation Awards have been awarded annually across key China industries including the plastics, me-talworking, personal care and cosmetics, packaging, composites and coatings industries.
Mr. Michael R Hay, President of Ringier Trade Media, explains: "This event has been designed to drive innovation in China's pumps and valves industry. As a celebratory platform, the purpose of the Awards are to encourage, acknowledge and reward those individuals and companies that have developed a new idea, a new methodology, a new product or a new technology for production efficiency, cost effectiveness, or user convenience, which results, for example, in energy saving and more responsible clean manufacturing."
In addition to the usual award as last year, it is a surprise to see the creative products appears in the category "Valve and Seal Award" this year. Driving by the construction of the facility and the development of heavy industry, the East Asia market will take up 33% of the whole pumps market in 2017. Also as one of the most attractive markets, China will keep increasing with the 10% increasing rate in several years. China will take 21% of the whole world Pump market which cost 40 billions. Also, the China is in the process of the urbanization. There is a huge need in the filed of disposal of sewage, and the energy industry which include the thermo-power, petrol and natural gas. Therefore, the China pumps market will be facing to a keep developing flushing situation.
Regarding the judging process of the Awards, Mr. Hay concluded: "The judging process for Ringier Technology Innovation Awards is completely neutral, objective and fair. It is the independent panel of experts - the judges who play the key role in the selection of the winners, not Ringier and IE expo. These judges cannot be bought, and we cannot be bought. Nominations are open to everybody in the industry and the final winners are selected solely on their merit. Let me state: no other Awards ceremony is as Neutral as our Awards! We stake our reputation on it."
The show partner and representative from the judge panel who presented the Awards to winners included Mr. Marshal Chen, Executive Director of the American Institute of Architects; Mr. Xiaobo Cheng, Chief Engineer of Shanghai Municipal Sewerage Company Ltd.; Project Director, MMI-ZM Trade Fairs (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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